How to Write Your CFSS Service Delivery Plan
The Minnesota DHS is transitioning from the PCA (Personal Care Assistance) program to CFSS (Community First Services and Supports). If you’re moving to CFSS, you’ll need a service delivery plan before you can start services.
What is a CFSS Service Delivery Plan?
The service delivery plan is a written plan that describes your CFSS services based on your needs and preferences. It explains what kind of help you want to receive and how it will be provided. You can create this plan with the help of a consultation service provider.
The service delivery plan you need to write varies slightly depending on which CFSS model you choose. Your consultation service provider will walk you through these differences step by step. Your first important task is to understand the different models and work with your consultation provider to choose the best model for your needs.
About the CFSS Agency Model
Under the agency model, you will receive a number of units or hours of services to meet your needs. Services are provided by workers who are employed by an agency provider. To purchase goods, you’ll work with a financial management service (FMS).
About the CFSS Budget Model
Under the budget model, you become the employer. You will select a financial management services (FMS) provider who will walk you (or your chosen representative) through the process of becoming an employer. If you’re using the budget model, the Service Delivery Plan includes an additional section. In this section, you’ll need to explain your employee training and development plan.
When Do I Need a CFSS Service Delivery Plan?

- Before services start
- When there’s a change in your care needs
- Every year at reassessment
You’ll need to keep a copy of your service delivery plan in:
- Your home
- Your CFSS provider’s office
- Any shared service locations (if applicable)
- Your consultation service provider’s file
- Your financial management service (FMS) provider’s file (if you use one)
Who is involved in creating the service delivery plan?
- You (or your representative): You’re responsible for writing the plan. You can get help from your consultation service provider as needed.
- Consultation Service Provider: They help you develop the plan, review it, and submit it to your lead agency for approval.
- Lead Agency: They review and approve the plan to make sure it meets the requirements.
- CFSS Provider or FMS Provider: They help you implement the plan and ensure services are delivered as written.
What Are Your Responsibilities For Writing a Service Delivery Plan?
Agency Model
You, or your representative, are responsible for:
- Writing your service delivery plan alongside your consultation service provider
- Keeping track of how well the plan is working and making changes if necessary
Budget Model
You, or your representative, are responsible for:
- Document how your workers are trained to perform the tasks in the plan
- Writing your service delivery plan alongside your consultation service provider
- Keeping track of how well the plan is working and making changes if necessary
What is the Role of the Consultation Service Provider?
Enrolling with a consultation service provider is mandatory for completing the service delivery plan. But it’s your choice how much you use their help. Your consultation service provider helps by:
- Offering guidance as you create the plan
- Reviewing it to ensure it meets all requirements
- Sending the plan to your lead agency
- Helping you make changes to the plan when needed

What Needs to Be in My CFSS Service Delivery Plan?
If you use the DHS’ template for the CFSS Service Delivery Plan, the template has all the information you need to include in the plan. However, the document will actively change based on the information you select. So make sure to work with your consultation service provider to choose the correct options. Here is a quick breakdown on what you can expect to see in the template.
- Basic Information
- Your name, address, and phone number
- Your Medical Assistance number (PMI)
- Your date of birth
- The name and contact info of your representative (if you have one)
- Start and end dates of the service delivery plan
- Your signature or your representative’s signature
- Total Units or Dollars
If you’re using the agency model, your plan needs to list the total units of service you’ll receive. If you’re using the budget model, it needs to show the total dollars available for services. The DHS has budget calculators to help with this.
- Services and Instructions
Your plan must describe:- Your needs and goals
- What services your workers will provide
- Special instructions or procedures
- An emergency plan, including:
- Emergency contacts
- A plan for worker absences
- Safety measures and a back-up plan if needed
- Additional CFSS Requirements
- Worker training and development plan (if using budget model)
- List and cost of any goods or services you’re purchasing
- Personal Emergency Response System (if applicable)
- Skill maintenance and enhancement plan (if applicable)
- Job descriptions for workers (if using the budget model)
What Happens After the Plan is Submitted?
- The lead agency reviews the plan and either approves or denies it within 30 days.
- If approved, they will send a copy to:
- You (or your representative)
- Your consultation service provider
- Your CFSS provider agency or FMS provider (if applicable)
If part of the plan is denied, the lead agency will work with you and your consultation service provider to fix it.
Have questions? We’re Here to Support You
Along your CFSS journey, Harry Meyering Center is here to support you, no matter who you choose as your consultation provider. Our goal is simply to help you as much as we can, because we’ve also had people who stepped up to help us.
Helpful Resources for Writing Your CFSS Service Delivery Plan
- Service Delivery Plan PDF Form (DHS)
- CFSS service delivery plan development and approval process (DHS)
- PCA/CFSS service delivery plan (care plan) (DHS)
- CFSS Budget Model Calculator
- CFSS Agency Model Calculator
- How a Consultation Service Provider Helps You Transition to CFSS – Harry Meyering Center PDF
- A Guide to Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) – Harry Meyering Center Website
- CFSS consultation services provider requirements – DHS Website
- List of CFSS consultation services providers – DHS Website
- Community First Services and Supports Information (PDF, English) – DHS Website
- Muab Kev Pab Cuam thiab Kev Txhawb Nqa Thawj Zaug Hauv Zos (PDF, Hmoob) – DHS Website
- ပှ ၤတ၀ၢ ဂံ ၢ်ခီၣ်ထံ းတၢ်မၤစၢၤတၢ်မၤ ဒီး တၢ်ဆီၣ် ထွမၤစၢၤတဖၣ ဲ ် (PDF, Sgaw Karen) – DHS Website
- Adeegyada iyo Taageerada Bulshada Koobaad (PDF, Soomaaliga) – DHS Website
- Servicios y Apoyos Comunitarios Primero (PDF, Español) – DHS Website