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Building meaningful experiences and fulfilled lives.

Client Directed Community Services (CDCS) is a program that allows individuals the opportunity to self-direct their services including where and when the services and supports will be provided. Individuals who select the CDCS option are responsible for the development of a Community Support Plan (CSP).

Support planning services are optional services provided through the CDCS program. A participant may elect to use a Support Planner to assist with the development and implementation of the person-centered CSP. The cost of the Support Planner is included in the participant’s budget. Support Planners are certified by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

The Support Planner’s role is determined by the person, a family member, or legal representative. Services provided by the Harry Meyering Support Planner may include:

  • Providing information about CDCS and provider options.
  • Developing and monitoring the CSP, including progress toward goals, budget, and health/safety.
  • Assisting with revisions to the CSP throughout the service year.
  • Finding and connecting the person to both licensed and non-licensed providers.

Our Support Planners have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Human Services field and are able to help individuals and family members effectively navigate the CDCS process.

Selecting Harry Meyering to assist with support planning needs means that you will receive quality services that adhere to our Guiding Principles of being Person-Centered, Positive and Supportive, and Dedicated Team Players in the spirit of serving and supporting the individuals, the community, the organization, and each other. We provide responsive services that are tailored to the needs of each individual.

For more information, please email or call, and one of our Support Planners will reach out to you.

Support Planning Referral